Madtini Mint Julep

Madtini Mint Julep

Its Kentucky Derby day at Churchill Downs in Louisville and the horses will soon be at the gate to race for the first jewel in the Triple Crown. There’s still time to make yourself a Mint Julep, the iconic Kentucky Derby cocktail. This potent cocktail became the signature drink for the Derby in 1938 when the drink was served in souvenir glasses for 75 cents a piece. Today its said that the Kentucky Derby serves more than 80,000 of these drinks over the two days of the event.

The Mint Julep first appeared as a ‘wake-up and get at ’em’ drink for the farmers going in agricultural regions on the east coast. I can’t imagine downing one of these cocktails and being very productive, but folks were made of heartier stock back then I assume.

Cheers from the Madtini Intoxicology Team… we’re off to buy some fancy hats and place our bets.


  • 3 oz Kentucky Bourbon
  • 5 fresh mint leaves
  • tablespoon of quick dissolving sugar

Rub the surfaces of five mint leaves and place them in the bottom of a glass. Add a teaspoon of sugar and warm water. Stir the ingredients. Add 3 oz of bourbon and fill the glass with crushed ice. Garnish with a sprig of mint leaves.