Halloween Cocktails #10, Root Beer of all Evil

I had no idea that Root Beer came from the extract of the root and bark of the Sassafras tree. My earliest memory of root beer were the giant frosty mugs at A&W. We’d order through a speaker from the car and then the waitress would bring the tray of mama and...

Halloween Cocktails #7, The Black Cat

If this Black Cat ever crosses your path I guarantee it’s not bring you bad luck. A tasty blend of coffee, vanilla and licorice flavours will have you licking your lips until your bartender can bring you another one. If this doesn’t bring you to life, chew...

Halloween Cocktails #5, Dark Chocolate Martini

Chocolate has been around from over 3000 years and has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history, and who the heck are we to mess with tradition. Below is our fifth drink recipe for Halloween, the Dark Chocolate Martini Ingredients 2 oz Smirnoff Vanilla Twist...