Love Potions – Bloody Passion

As Valentine’s Day approaches passions are burning and this seductive cocktail will help fan the flames.The Bloody Passion Cocktail is featured in the chapter “Passion’s Promise” in the new Madtini book Love Potions: 50 Cupid Approved Cocktails...

Love Potions – Satin Sheets

  Satin Sheets Cocktail is the first of the Valentine’s Day cocktails we’ve mixed up here at Madtini World Headquarters to celebrate not only Valentine’s Day, a day devoted to love, but also it’s the first of our featured Valentine’s...

Liquid Breakfast – the French Toast Martini

If I remember my Sunday School lessons right, (and there’s no guarantee of that) on the seventh day god rested, but just before he did that he created the all-day breakfast. If you’re in Toronto and its 3:30am and you’re just heading home from an...