Finale Blues Martini
It doesn’t seem possible but here we are at the end of Mad Men Season 3. It seems just a week or two ago we started up Madtini.com in anticipation of the new season and now we’re at the end. Time does fly when you’re having fun and we really have been having fun, haven’t we?
We’ve seen Peggy Olsen smoke pot (cough) and sleep with Duck (cough, gag, gag).
We’ve seen Betty lose her father, gain a son, lose her husband (well she still has Don but now she knows he’s really Dick Whitman) and have to deal with the ever growing handful that Sally has become.
We’ve seen Joan enter into what can only be called a toxic marriage.
We’ve seen Roger enter into a marriage with a girl young enough to be his daughter and at times it’s looking like Roger is more doting father than husband in that situation.
We’ve seen Don jumping through hoops for Conrad Hilton.
We’ve seen a secretary cut off an executive’s foot while riding a John Deere in the office.
We’ve seen the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Yes, we’ve been having fun but it’s sad to have to say good-bye to the folks at Sterling Cooper until next season. You won’t have to say good-bye to Madtini though – we’ve decided to continue serving up cocktails here every Sunday night. Maybe we’ll watch a Mad Men rerun or two – we’re bound to switch back to our other AMC favorite ‘Breaking Bad’ when it comes back around. We’ll keep the ice bucket filled and the olives ready.
The Finales Blues Martini
1 part blueberry vodka
2 parts Berry Lemonade Jones Soda
Place the blueberry vodka and the soda into a cocktail shaker filled with ice, stir, strain into cocktail glasses and enjoy.
Cheers, and happy November from Madtini World Headquarters