by Merlene | Jan 23, 2010 | Gin based, Madtini Originals, Uncategorized
We started to get to know @PaigeSaid on Twitter about a year ago and soon bumped into her at bunch of social events, tweet-ups, and fundraisers around Toronto. One of the forces of nature behind the popular @PatioFriday meetup every Friday afternoon during the summer...
by Randy Matheson | Dec 25, 2009 | 12 Days of @Madtini Holiday Cocktails, Rum based
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Ingredients: 1 1/4 oz rum 1 lemon wedge 1 1/2 oz lemon juice 1/2 oz grenadine syrup cranberry juice maraschino cherry Mixing: Add the rum, lemon juice and grenadine into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake, then strain into a...
by Randy Matheson | Oct 25, 2009 | Vodka based
It’s Week 11 of the Madtini Virtual Cocktail Party, and… its less than a week til Halloween. Besides being dedicated to our favorite show Mad Men, we’re also big fans of HBO’s True Blood. Well, we looked all over for a case of TruBlood, but I...